Exciton interaction induced spin splitting in MoS$_2$ monolayer

Abstract in English

By pumping nonresonantly a MoS$_2$ monolayer at $13$ K under a circularly polarized cw laser, we observe exciton energy redshifts that break the degeneracy between B excitons with opposite spin. The energy splitting increases monotonically with the laser power reaching as much as $18$ meV, while it diminishes with the temperature. The phenomenon can be explained theoretically by considering simultaneously the bandgap renormalization which gives rise to the redshift and exciton-exciton Coulomb exchange interaction which is responsible for the spin-dependent splitting. Our results offer a simple scheme to control the valley degree of freedom in MoS$_2$ monolayer and provide an accessible method in investigating many-body exciton exciton interaction in such materials.
