Dark Energy and Modified Scale Covariant Theory of Gravitation

Abstract in English

Taking up four model universes we study the behaviour and contribution of dark energy to the accelerated expansion of the universe, in the modified scale covariant theory of gravitation. Here, it is seen that though this modified theory may be a cause of the accelerated expansion it cannot totally outcast the contribution of dark energy in causing the accelerated expansion. In one case the dark energy is found to be the sole cause of the accelerated expansion. The dark energy contained in these models come out to be of the $Lambda$CDM type and quintessence type comparable to the modern observations. Some of the models originated with a big bang, the dark energy being prevalent inside the universe before the evolution of this era. One of the models predicts big rip singularity, though at a very distant future. It is interestingly found that the interaction between the dark energy and the other part of the universe containing different matters is enticed and enhanced by the gauge function $phi(t)$ here.
