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Low frequency perturbations at the boundary of critical quantum chains can be understood in terms of the sequence of boundary conditions imposed by them, as has been previously demonstrated in the Ising and related fermion models. Using extensive numerical simulations, we explore the scaling behavior of the Loschmidt echo under longitudinal field perturbations at the boundary of a critical $mathbb{Z}_3$ Potts model. We show that at times much larger than the relaxation time after a boundary quench, the Loschmidt-echo has a power-law scaling as expected from interpreting the quench as insertion of boundary condition changing operators. Similar scaling is observed as a function of time-period under a low frequency square-wave pulse. We present numerical evidence which indicate that under a sinusoidal or triangular pulse, scaling with time period is modified by Kibble-Zurek effect, again similar to the case of the Ising model. Results confirm the validity, beyond the Ising model, of the treatment of the boundary perturbations in terms of the effect on boundary conditions.
We show that non-Hermitian biorthogonal many-body phase transitions can be characterized by the enhanced decay of Loschmidt echo. The quantum criticality is numerically investigated in a non-Hermitian transverse field Ising model by performing the finite-size dynamical scaling of Loschmidt echo. We determine the equilibrium correlation length critical exponents that are consistent with previous results from the exact diagonalization. More importantly, we introduce a simple method to detect quantum phase transitions with the short-time average of rate function motivated by the critically enhanced decay behavior of Loschmidt echo. Our studies show how to detect equilibrium many-body phase transitions with biorthogonal Loschmidt echo that can be observed in future experiments via quantum dynamics after a quench.
Any two-dimensional infinite regular lattice G can be produced by tiling the plane with a finite subgraph B of G; we call B a basis of G. We introduce a two-parameter graph polynomial P_B(q,v) that depends on B and its embedding in G. The algebraic curve P_B(q,v) = 0 is shown to provide an approximation to the critical manifold of the q-state Potts model, with coupling v = exp(K)-1, defined on G. This curve predicts the phase diagram both in the ferromagnetic (v>0) and antiferromagnetic (v<0) regions. For larger bases B the approximations become increasingly accurate, and we conjecture that P_B(q,v) = 0 provides the exact critical manifold in the limit of infinite B. Furthermore, for some lattices G, or for the Ising model (q=2) on any G, P_B(q,v) factorises for any choice of B: the zero set of the recurrent factor then provides the exact critical manifold. In this sense, the computation of P_B(q,v) can be used to detect exact solvability of the Potts model on G. We illustrate the method for the square lattice, where the Potts model has been exactly solved, and the kagome lattice, where it has not. For the square lattice we correctly reproduce the known phase diagram, including the antiferromagnetic transition and the singularities in the Berker-Kadanoff phase. For the kagome lattice, taking the smallest basis with six edges we recover a well-known (but now refuted) conjecture of F.Y. Wu. Larger bases provide successive improvements on this formula, giving a natural extension of Wus approach. The polynomial predictions are in excellent agreement with numerical computations. For v>0 the accuracy of the predicted critical coupling v_c is of the order 10^{-4} or 10^{-5} for the 6-edge basis, and improves to 10^{-6} or 10^{-7} for the largest basis studied (with 36 edges).
Is it possible to immediately distinguish a system made by an Avogadros number of identical elements and one with a single additional one? In this work, we show that a simple experiment can do so, yielding two qualitatively and quantitatively different outcomes depending on whether the system includes an even or an odd number of elements. We consider a typical (local) quantum-quench setup and calculate a generating function of the work done, namely, the Loschmidt echo, showing that it displays different features depending on the presence or absence of topological frustration. We employ the prototypical quantum Ising chain to illustrate this phenomenology, which we argue being generic for antiferromagnetic spin chains.
We perform a detailed investigation of the scaling Potts field theory using the truncated conformal space approach.
We study the stochastic dynamics of infinitely many globally interacting $q$-state units on a ring that is externally driven. While repulsive interactions always lead to uniform occupations, attractive interactions give rise to much richer phenomena: We analytically characterize a Hopf bifurcation which separates a high-temperature regime of uniform occupations from a low-temperature one where all units coalesce into a single state. For odd $q$ below the critical temperature starts a synchronization regime which ends via a second phase transition at lower temperatures, while for even $q$ this intermediate phase disappears. We find that interactions have no effects except below critical temperature for attractive interactions. A thermodynamic analysis reveals that the dissipated work is reduced in this regime, whose temperature range is shown to decrease as $q$ increases. The $q$-dependence of the power-efficiency trade-off is also analyzed.