Effect of Closely-Spaced Excited States on Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

Abstract in English

Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is a well-known phenomenon due in part to its applicability to quantum devices such as quantum memories and quantum gates. EIT is commonly modeled with a three-level lambda system due to the simplicity of the calculations. However, this simplified model does not capture all the physics of EIT experiments with real atoms. We present a theoretical study of the effect of two closely-spaced excited states on EIT and off-resonance Raman transitions. We find that the coherent interaction of the fields with two excited states whose separation is smaller than their Doppler broadened linewidth can enhance the EIT transmission and broaden the width of the EIT peak. However, a shift of the two-photon resonance frequency for systems with transitions of unequal dipole strengths leads to a reduction of the maximum transparency that can be achieved when Doppler broadening is taken into account even under ideal conditions of no decoherence. As a result, complete transparency cannot be achieved in a vapor cell. Only when the separation between the two excited states is of the order of the Doppler width or larger can complete transparency be recovered. In addition, we show that off-resonance Raman absorption is enhanced and its resonance frequency is shifted. Finally, we present experimental EIT measurements on the D1 line of $^{85}$Rb that agree with the theoretical predictions when the interaction of the fields with the four levels is taken into account.
