It is shown that the orbits of the space of local deformations of the Lie algebra $bar{A_5}$ over an algebraically closed field $K$ of characteristic 2 with respect to the automorphism group $mathrm{PGL} (6)$ correspond to $mathrm{GL} (V)$-orbits of tri-vectors of a 6-dimensional space. For local deformations corresponding to tri-vectors of rank $rho <6$, integrability is proved and global deformations are constructed.
Let $L$ be a Lie algebra of Block type over $C$ with basis ${L_{alpha,i},|,alpha,iinZ}$ and brackets $[L_{alpha,i},L_{beta,j}]=(beta(i+1)-alpha(j+1))L_{alpha+beta,i+j}$. In this paper, we shall construct a formal distribution Lie algebra of $L$. Then we decide its conformal algebra $B$ with $C[partial]$-basis ${L_alpha(w),|,alphainZ}$ and $lambda$-brackets $[L_alpha(w)_lambda L_beta(w)]=(alphapartial+(alpha+beta)lambda)L_{alpha+beta}(w)$. Finally, we give a classification of free intermediate series $B$-modules.
Let $(L, alpha)$ be a Hom-Lie-Yamaguti superalgebra. We first introduce the representation and cohomology theory of Hom-Lie-Yamaguti superalgebras. Furthermore, we introduce the notions of generalized derivations and representations of $(L, alpha)$ and present some properties. Finally, we investigate the deformations of $(L, alpha)$ by choosing some suitable cohomology.
In this paper, we define a new cohomology theory for multiplicative Hom-pre-Lie algebras which controls deformations of Hom-pre-Lie algebra structure. This new cohomology is a natural one considering the structure map $alpha$. We show this new cohomology is deformation cohomology of the Hom-pre-Lie algebra. We also develop cohomology and the associated deformation theory for Hom-pre-Lie algebras in the equivariant context.
Let $T$ be a $delta$-Jordan Lie supertriple system. We first introduce the notions of generalized derivations and representations of $T$ and present some properties. Also, we study the low dimension cohomology and the coboundary operator of $T$, and then we investigate the deformations and Nijenhuis operators of $T$ by choosing some suitable cohomology.
In this paper, first we give the cohomologies of an $n$-Hom-Lie algebra and introduce the notion of a derivation of an $n$-Hom-Lie algebra. We show that a derivation of an $n$-Hom-Lie algebra is a $1$-cocycle with the coefficient in the adjoint representation. We also give the formula of the dual representation of a representation of an $n$-Hom-Lie algebra. Then, we study $(n-1)$-order deformation of an $n$-Hom-Lie algebra. We introduce the notion of a Hom-Nijenhuis operator, which could generate a trivial $(n-1)$-order deformation of an $n$-Hom-Lie algebra. Finally, we introduce the notion of a generalized derivation of an $n$-Hom-Lie algebra, by which we can construct a new $n$-Hom-Lie algebra, which is called the generalized derivation extension of an $n$-Hom-Lie algebra.