Semileptonic $Btopiell u$, $Bto Dell u$, $B_sto Kell u$, and $B_sto D_sell u$ decays

Abstract in English

We present updates for our nonperturbative lattice QCD calculations to determine semileptonic form factors for exclusive $Bto piell u$, $Bto D ell u$, $B_sto Kell u$, and $B_sto D_sell u$ decays. Our calculation is based on RBC-UKQCDs set of $2+1$-dynamical-flavor gauge field ensembles. In the valence sector we use domain wall fermions for up/down, strange and charm quarks, whereas bottom quarks are simulated with the relativistic heavy quark action. The continuum limit is based on three lattice spacings. Using kinematical $z$ expansions we aim to obtain form factors over the full $q^2$ range. These form factors are the basis for predicting ratios addressing lepton flavor universality or, when combined with experimental results, to obtain CKM matrix elements $|V_{ub}|$ and $|V_{cb}|$.
