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Residual Torsion-Free Nilpotence, Bi-Orderability and Two-Bridge Links

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 Added by Jonathan Johnson
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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Residual torsion-free nilpotence has proven to be an important property for knot groups with applications to bi-orderability and ribbon concordance. Mayland proposed a strategy to show that a two-bridge knot group has a commutator subgroup which is a union of an ascending chain of parafree groups. This paper proves Maylands assertion and expands the result to the subgroups of two-bridge link groups that correspond to the kernels of maps to $mathbb{Z}$. We call these kernels the Alexander subgroups of the links. As a result, we show the bi-orderability of a large family of two-bridge link groups. This proof makes use of a modified version of a graph theoretic construction of Hirasawa and Murasugi in order to understand the structure of the Alexander subgroup for a two-bridge link group.

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192 - P. -V. Koseleff , D. Pecker 2010
We give necessary conditions for a polynomial to be the Conway polynomial of a two-bridge link. As a consequence, we obtain simple proofs of the classical theorems of Murasugi and Hartley. We give a modulo 2 congruence for links, which implies the classical modulo 2 Murasugi congruence for knots. We also give sharp bounds for the coefficients of the Conway and Alexander polynomials of a two-bridge link. These bounds improve and generalize those of Nakanishi and Suketa.
We compute Cayley graphs and automorphism groups for all finite $n$-quandles of two-bridge and torus knots and links, as well as torus links with an axis.
269 - Blake Mellor 2019
To better understand the fundamental quandle of a knot or link, it can be useful to look at finite quotients of the quandle. One such quotient is the $n$-quandle (or, when $n=2$, the {em involutory} quandle). Hoste and Shanahan cite{HS2} gave a complete list of the links which have finite $n$-quandles; it remained to give explicit descriptions of these quandles. This has been done for several cases in cite{CHMS} and cite{HS1}; in the current work we continue this project and explicitly describe the Cayley graphs for the finite involutory quandles of two-bridge links with an axis.
The paper develops a general theory of orderability of quandles with a focus on link quandles of tame links and gives some general constructions of orderable quandles. We prove that knot quandles of many fibered prime knots are right-orderable, whereas link quandles of most non-trivial torus links are not right-orderable. As a consequence, we deduce that the knot quandle of the trefoil is neither left nor right orderable. Further, it is proved that link quandles of certain non-trivial positive (or negative) links are not bi-orderable, which includes some alternating knots of prime determinant and alternating Montesinos links. The paper also explores interconnections between orderability of quandles and that of their enveloping groups. The results establish that orderability of link quandles behave quite differently than that of corresponding link groups.
The far-reaching work of Dahmani-Guirardel-Osin and recent work of Clay-Mangahas-Margalit provide geometric approaches to the study of the normal closure of a subgroup (or a collection of subgroups)in an ambient group $G$. Their work gives conditions under which the normal closure in $G$ is a free product. In this paper we unify their results and simplify and significantly shorten the proof of the Dahmani-Guirardel-Osin theorem.
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