NuSTAR/XMM-Newton monitoring of the Seyfert 1 galaxy HE 1143-1810. Testing the two-corona scenario

Abstract in English

We test the two-corona accretion scenario for active galactic nuclei in the case of the `bare Seyfert 1 galaxy HE 1143-1810. We perform a detailed study of the broad-band UV--X-ray spectral properties and of the short-term variability. We present results of a joint XMM-Newton and NuSTAR monitoring of the source, consisting of 5x20 ks observations, each separated by 2 days, performed in December 2017. The source is variable in flux among the different observations, and a correlation is observed between the UV and X-ray emission. Moderate spectral variability is observed in the soft band. The time-averaged X-ray spectrum exhibits a cut-off at $sim 100$ keV consistent with thermal Comptonization. We detect an iron K$alpha$ line consistent with being constant during the campaign and originating from a mildly ionized medium. The line is accompanied by a moderate, ionized reflection component. A soft excess is clearly present below 2 keV and is well described by thermal Comptonization in a `warm corona with a temperature of $sim 0.5$ keV and a Thomson optical depth of $sim 17-18$. For the hot hard X-ray emitting corona, we obtain a temperature of $sim 20$ keV and an optical depth of $sim 4$ assuming a spherical geometry. A fit assuming a jet-emitting disc (JED) for the hot corona also provides a nice description of the broad-band spectrum. In this case, the data are consistent with an accretion rate varying between $sim 0.7$ and $sim 0.9$ in Eddington units and a transition between the outer standard disc and the inner JED at $sim 20$ gravitational radii. The broad-band high-energy data agree with an accretion flow model consisting of two phases: an outer standard accretion disc with a warm upper layer, responsible for the optical--UV emission and the soft X-ray excess, and an inner slim JED playing the role of a hard X-ray emitting hot corona.
