New canonical and grand canonical DoS techniques for finite density lattice QCD

Abstract in English

We discuss two new DoS approaches for finite density lattice QCD. The paper extends a recent presentation of the new techniques based on Wilson fermions, while here we now discuss and test the case of finite density QCD with staggered fermions. The first of our two approaches is based on the canonical formulation where observables at a fixed net quark number $N$ are obtained as Fourier moments of the vacuum expectation values at imaginary chemical potential $theta$. We treat the latter as densities which can be computed with the recently developed FFA method. The second approach is based on a direct grand canonical evaluation after rewriting the QCD partition sum in terms of a suitable pseudo-fermion representation. In this form the imaginary part of the pseudo-fermion action can be identified and the corresponding density may again be computed with FFA. We develop the details of the two approaches and discuss some exploratory first tests for the case of free fermions where reference results for assessing the new techniques may be obtained from Fourier transformation.
