Renormalization schemes for mixing angles in extended Higgs sectors

Abstract in English

The proper renormalization of mixing angles in quantum field theories is a long-standing problem. It is relevant for the renormalization of the quark mixing matrix in the Standard Model and for various mixing scenarios in theories beyond. In this contribution we specifically consider theories with extended scalar sectors. We describe renormalization schemes for mixing angles based on combinations of observables or symmetry requirements such as rigid or background-field gauge invariance and compare their properties to previous approaches such as $bar{MS}$ schemes. We formulate specific renormalization conditions for the mixing angles in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model and the Higgs-Singlet Extension of the Standard Model and calculate electroweak corrections to Higgs-boson decays via W- or Z-boson pairs within these models for a selection of (new and old) renormalization schemes.
