Self-consistent simulations of ECR-based charge breeders: evidence and impact of the plasmoid-halo structure

Abstract in English

This paper discusses the capture of an ion beam in a magnetized plasma of an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source based Charge Breeder, as modelled by numerical simulations. As a relevant step forward with respect to previous works, here the capture is modeled by considering a plasma structure determined in a self-consisent way. The plasmoid-halo structure of the ECR plasma - that is consisting of a dense core (the plasmoid) surrounded by a rarefied halo - is further confirmed by the self-consistent calculations, having also some fine structures affected by the electromagnetic field distribution and by the magnetostatic field profile. The capture of Rb1+ ions has been investigated in details, vs. various plasma parameters, and then compared to experimental results.
