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Scaling of magnetic reconnection with a limited x-line extent

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 Added by Kai Huang
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Contrary to all the 2D models, where the reconnection x-line extent is infinitely long, we study magnetic reconnection in the opposite limit. The scaling of the average reconnection rate and outflow speed are modeled as a function of the x-line extent. An internal x-line asymmetry along the current direction develops because of the flux transport by electrons beneath the ion kinetic scale, and it plays an important role in suppressing reconnection in the short x-line limit; the average reconnection rate drops because of the limited active region, and the outflow speed reduction is associated with the reduction of the $J times B$ force, that is caused by the phase shift between the J and B profiles, also as a consequence of this flux transport.

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The orientation and stability of the reconnection x-line in asymmetric geometry is studied using three-dimensional (3D) particle-in-cell simulations. We initiate reconnection at the center of a large simulation domain to minimize the boundary effect. The resulting x-line has sufficient freedom to develop along an optimal orientation, and it remains laminar. Companion 2D simulations indicate that this x-line orientation maximizes the reconnection rate. The divergence of the non-gyrotropic pressure tensor breaks the frozen-in condition, consistent with its 2D counterpart. We then design 3D simulations with one dimension being short to fix the x-line orientation, but long enough to allow the growth of the fastest growing oblique tearing modes. This numerical experiment suggests that reconnection tends to radiate secondary oblique tearing modes if it is externally (globally) forced to proceed along an orientation not favored by the local physics. The development of oblique structure easily leads to turbulence inside small periodic systems.
The spreading of the X-line out of the reconnection plane under a strong guide field is investigated using large-scale three-dimensional (3D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations in asymmetric magnetic reconnection. A simulation with a thick, ion-scale equilibrium current sheet (CS) reveals that the X-line spreads at the ambient ion/electron drift speeds, significantly slower than the Alfven speed based on the guide field $V_{Ag}$. Additional simulations with a thinner, sub-ion-scale CS show that the X-line spreads at $V_{Ag}$ (Alfvenic spreading), much higher than the ambient species drifts. An Alfvenic signal consistent with kinetic Alfven waves develops and propagates, leading to CS thinning and extending, which then results in reconnection onset. The continuous onset of reconnection in the signal propagation direction manifests as Alfvenic X-line spreading. The strong dependence on the CS thickness of the spreading speeds, and the X-line orientation are consistent with the collisionless tearing instability. Our simulations indicate that when the collisionless tearing growth is sufficiently strong in a thinner CS such that $gamma/Omega_{ci}gtrsimmathcal{O}(1)$, Alfvenic X-line spreading can take place. Our results compare favorably with a number of numerical simulations and recent magnetopause observations. A key implications is that the magnetopause CS is typically too thick for Alfvenic X-line spreading to effectively take place.
Using 3D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, we study magnetic reconnection with the x-line being spatially confined in the current direction. We include thick current layers to prevent reconnection at two ends of a thin current sheet that has a thickness on an ion inertial (di) scale. The reconnection rate and outflow speed drop significantly when the extent of the thin current sheet in the current direction is < O(10 di). When the thin current sheet extent is long enough, we find it consists of two distinct regions; an inactive region (on the ion-drifting side) exists adjacent to the active region where reconnection proceeds normally as in a 2D case. The extent of this inactive region is ~ O(10 di), and it suppresses reconnection when the thin current sheet extent is comparable or shorter. The time-scale of current sheet thinning toward fast reconnection can be translated into the spatial-scale of this inactive region; because electron drifts inside the ion diffusion region transport the reconnected magnetic flux, that drives outflows and furthers the current sheet thinning, away from this region. This is a consequence of the Hall effect in 3D. While this inactive region may explain the shortest possible azimuthal extent of dipolarizing flux bundles at Earth, it may also explain the dawn-dusk asymmetry observed at the magnetotail of Mercury, that has a global dawn-dusk extent much shorter than that of Earth.
The relationship between magnetic reconnection and plasma turbulence is investigated using multipoint in-situ measurements from the Cluster spacecraft within a high-speed reconnection jet in the terrestrial magnetotail. We show explicitly that work done by electromagnetic fields on the particles, $mathbf{J}cdotmathbf{E}$, has a non-Gaussian distribution and is concentrated in regions of high electric current density. Hence, magnetic energy is converted to kinetic energy in an intermittent manner. Furthermore, we find the higher-order statistics of magnetic field fluctuations generated by reconnection are characterized by multifractal scaling on magnetofluid scales and non-Gaussian global scale invariance on kinetic scales. These observations suggest $mathbf{J}cdotmathbf{E}$ within the reconnection jet has an analogue in fluid-like turbulence theory in that it proceeds via coherent structures generated by an intermittent cascade. This supports the hypothesis that turbulent dissipation is highly nonuniform, and thus these results could have far reaching implications for space and astrophysical plasmas.
Kinetic particle-in-cell simulations are used to identify signatures of the electron diffusion region (EDR) and its surroundings during asymmetric magnetic reconnection. A shoulder in the sunward pointing normal electric field (EN > 0) at the reconnection magnetic field reversal is a good indicator of the EDR, and is caused by magnetosheath electron meandering orbits in the vicinity of the x-line. Earthward of the X-line, electrons accelerated by EN form strong currents and crescent-shaped distribution functions in the plane perpendicular to B. Just downstream of the X-line, parallel electric fields create field-aligned crescent electron distribution functions. In the immediate upstream magnetosheath, magnetic field strength, plasma density, and perpendicular electron temperatures are lower than the asymptotic state. In the magnetosphere inflow region, magnetosheath ions intrude resulting in an Earthward pointing electric field and parallel heating of magnetospheric particles. Many of the above properties persist with a guide field of at least unity.
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