Optimal Streaming Algorithms for Submodular Maximization with Cardinality Constraints

Abstract in English

We study the problem of maximizing a non-monotone submodular function subject to a cardinality constraint in the streaming model. Our main contribution is a single-pass (semi-)streaming algorithm that uses roughly $O(k / varepsilon^2)$ memory, where $k$ is the size constraint. At the end of the stream, our algorithm post-processes its data structure using any offline algorithm for submodular maximization, and obtains a solution whose approximation guarantee is $frac{alpha}{1+alpha}-varepsilon$, where $alpha$ is the approximation of the offline algorithm. If we use an exact (exponential time) post-processing algorithm, this leads to $frac{1}{2}-varepsilon$ approximation (which is nearly optimal). If we post-process with the algorithm of Buchbinder and Feldman (Math of OR 2019), that achieves the state-of-the-art offline approximation guarantee of $alpha=0.385$, we obtain $0.2779$-approximation in polynomial time, improving over the previously best polynomial-time approximation of $0.1715$ due to Feldman et al. (NeurIPS 2018). It is also worth mentioning that our algorithm is combinatorial and deterministic, which is rare for an algorithm for non-monotone submodular maximization, and enjoys a fast update time of $O(frac{log k + log (1/alpha)}{varepsilon^2})$ per element.
