An extended size-luminosity relation for the reverberation-mapped AGNs: the role of the accretion rate

Abstract in English

For a compiled sample of 120 reverberation-mapped AGNs, the bivariate correlations of the broad-line regions (BLRs) size ($R_{rm BLR}$) with the continuum luminosity at 5100 AA ($L_{5100}$) and the dimensionless accretion rates ($dot{mathscr{M}}$) are investigated. Using our recently calibrated virial factor $f$, and the velocity tracer from the H$beta$ Full-width at half-maximum (FWHM(H$beta$)) or the line dispersion ($sigma_{rm Hbeta}$) measured in the mean spectra, three kinds of SMBH masses and $dot{mathscr{M}}$ are calculated. An extended RL relation including $dot{mathscr{M}}$ is found to be stronger than the canonical $R_{rm BLR}({rm Hbeta}) - L_{rm 5100}$ relation, showing smaller scatters. The observational parameters, $R_{rm Fe}$ (the ratio of optical Fe II to H$beta$ line flux) and the line profile parameter $D_{rm Hbeta}$ ($D_{rm Hbeta}=rm FWHM(Hbeta)/sigma_{rm Hbeta}$), have relations with three kinds of $dot{mathscr{M}}$. Using $R_{rm Fe}$ and $D_{rm Hbeta}$ to substitute $dot{mathscr{M}}$, extended empirical $R_{rm BLR}({rm Hbeta}) - L_{rm 5100}$ relations are presented. $R_{rm Fe}$ is a better fix for the $R_{rm BLR}({rm Hbeta}) - L_{rm 5100}$ offset than the H$beta$ shape $D_{rm Hbeta}$. The extended empirical $R_{rm BLR}({rm Hbeta}) - L_{rm 5100}$ relation including $R_{rm Fe}$ can be used to calculate $R_{rm BLR}$, and thus the single-epoch SMBH mass $M_{rm BH}$. Our measured accretion rate dependence is not consistent with the simple model of the accretion disk instability leading the BLRs formation. The BLR may instead form from the inner edge of the torus, or from some other means in which BLR size is positively correlated with accretion rate and the SMBH mass.
