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Attribute Restoration Framework for Anomaly Detection

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 Added by Chaoqin Huang
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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With the recent advances in deep neural networks, anomaly detection in multimedia has received much attention in the computer vision community. While reconstruction-based methods have recently shown great promise for anomaly detection, the information equivalence among input and supervision for reconstruction tasks can not effectively force the network to learn semantic feature embeddings. We here propose to break this equivalence by erasing selected attributes from the original data and reformulate it as a restoration task, where the normal and the anomalous data are expected to be distinguishable based on restoration errors. Through forcing the network to restore the original image, the semantic feature embeddings related to the erased attributes are learned by the network. During testing phases, because anomalous data are restored with the attribute learned from the normal data, the restoration error is expected to be large. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed method significantly outperforms several state-of-the-arts on multiple benchmark datasets, especially on ImageNet, increasing the AUROC of the top-performing baseline by 10.1%. We also evaluate our method on a real-world anomaly detection dataset MVTec AD and a video anomaly detection dataset ShanghaiTech.

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Weakly supervised video anomaly detection (WS-VAD) is to distinguish anomalies from normal events based on discriminative representations. Most existing works are limited in insufficient video representations. In this work, we develop a multiple instance self-training framework (MIST)to efficiently refine task-specific discriminative representations with only video-level annotations. In particular, MIST is composed of 1) a multiple instance pseudo label generator, which adapts a sparse continuous sampling strategy to produce more reliable clip-level pseudo labels, and 2) a self-guided attention boosted feature encoder that aims to automatically focus on anomalous regions in frames while extracting task-specific representations. Moreover, we adopt a self-training scheme to optimize both components and finally obtain a task-specific feature encoder. Extensive experiments on two public datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our method, and our method performs comparably to or even better than existing supervised and weakly supervised methods, specifically obtaining a frame-level AUC 94.83% on ShanghaiTech.
91 - Ricky Ma 2021
This paper presents a novel framework for unsupervised anomaly detection on masked objects called ODDObjects, which stands for Out-of-Distribution Detection on Objects. ODDObjects is designed to detect anomalies of various categories using unsupervised autoencoders trained on COCO-style datasets. The method utilizes autoencoder-based image reconstruction, where high reconstruction error indicates the possibility of an anomaly. The framework extends previous work on anomaly detection with autoencoders, comparing state-of-the-art models trained on object recognition datasets. Various model architectures were compared, and experimental results show that memory-augmented deep convolutional autoencoders perform the best at detecting out-of-distribution objects.
Surrogate task based methods have recently shown great promise for unsupervised image anomaly detection. However, there is no guarantee that the surrogate tasks share the consistent optimization direction with anomaly detection. In this paper, we return to a direct objective function for anomaly detection with information theory, which maximizes the distance between normal and anomalous data in terms of the joint distribution of images and their representation. Unfortunately, this objective function is not directly optimizable under the unsupervised setting where no anomalous data is provided during training. Through mathematical analysis of the above objective function, we manage to decompose it into four components. In order to optimize in an unsupervised fashion, we show that, under the assumption that distribution of the normal and anomalous data are separable in the latent space, its lower bound can be considered as a function which weights the trade-off between mutual information and entropy. This objective function is able to explain why the surrogate task based methods are effective for anomaly detection and further point out the potential direction of improvement. Based on this object function we introduce a novel information theoretic framework for unsupervised image anomaly detection. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed framework significantly outperforms several state-of-the-arts on multiple benchmark data sets.
Huge datasets in cyber security, such as network traffic logs, can be analyzed using machine learning and data mining methods. However, the amount of collected data is increasing, which makes analysis more difficult. Many machine learning methods have not been designed for big datasets, and consequently are slow and difficult to understand. We address the issue of efficient network traffic classification by creating an intrusion detection framework that applies dimensionality reduction and conjunctive rule extraction. The system can perform unsupervised anomaly detection and use this information to create conjunctive rules that classify huge amounts of traffic in real time. We test the implemented system with the widely used KDD Cup 99 dataset and real-world network logs to confirm that the performance is satisfactory. This system is transparent and does not work like a black box, making it intuitive for domain experts, such as network administrators.
The research in anomaly detection lacks a unified definition of what represents an anomalous instance. Discrepancies in the nature itself of an anomaly lead to multiple paradigms of algorithms design and experimentation. Predictive maintenance is a special case, where the anomaly represents a failure that must be prevented. Related time-series research as outlier and novelty detection or time-series classification does not apply to the concept of an anomaly in this field, because they are not single points which have not been seen previously and may not be precisely annotated. Moreover, due to the lack of annotated anomalous data, many benchmarks are adapted from supervised scenarios. To address these issues, we generalise the concept of positive and negative instances to intervals to be able to evaluate unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms. We also preserve the imbalance scheme for evaluation through the proposal of the Preceding Window ROC, a generalisation for the calculation of ROC curves for time-series scenarios. We also adapt the mechanism from a established time-series anomaly detection benchmark to the proposed generalisations to reward early detection. Therefore, the proposal represents a flexible evaluation framework for the different scenarios. To show the usefulness of this definition, we include a case study of Big Data algorithms with a real-world time-series problem provided by the company ArcelorMittal, and compare the proposal with an evaluation method.
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