Weakness of correlation effects in BaNi$_2$As$_2$: ARPES and LDA+DMFT study

Abstract in English

The BaNi$_2$As$_2$ compound is investigated using both the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) in a wide binding energy range and combined computational scheme of local density approximation together with dynamical mean-field theory (LDA+DMFT). For more realistic comparison of LDA+DMFT spectral functions with ARPES data we take into account several experimental features: the photoemission cross-section, the experimental energy and angular resolutions and the photo-hole lifetime effects. In contrast to isostructural iron arsenides the BaNi$_2$As$_2$ within LDA+DMFT appears to be weakly correlated (effective mass enhancement about $1.2$). This dramatic reduction of the correlation strength comes from the increase of 3d-orbital filling, when going from Fe to Ni, together with rather large bare Ni-3d LDA bandwidth. Nevertheless, even weakened electron correlations cause remarkable reconstruction of the bare BaNi$_2$As$_2$ LDA band structure and corresponding LDA+DMFT calculations provide better agreement with ARPES than just renormalized LDA results.
