Conductance quantization in topological Josephson trijunctions

Abstract in English

The Josephson current flowing in a junction between two superconductors is a striking manifestation of macroscopic quantum coherence, with applications in metrology and quantum information. This equilibrium current is related with the formation of Andreev states localized in the junction, whose energy depends periodically on the superconducting phase difference. Topology emerged as a guide for predicting exotic properties of Andreev states. In particular, topological superconductors host Majorana modes at their ends. Then, in a junction with such leads, the hybridization of two Majorana modes results in an Andreev state with a period-doubling of its energy-phase dependence. Furthermore, topologically protected crossings between Andreev states in junctions with more than two leads may be revealed through a quantized transconductance. The prediction motivated recent efforts to fabricate multi-terminal junctions. Here we combine both topological effects to predict a robust non-vanishing quantized transconductance in trijunctions with topological leads. Such devices are envisioned to reveal the anyonic nature of Majorana states through their braiding. Our prediction can be used to assess that a given junction is indeed suitable to perform its braiding function.
