Defensive Few-shot Adversarial Learning

Abstract in English

The robustness of deep learning models against adversarial attacks has received increasing attention in recent years. However, both deep learning and adversarial training rely on the availability of a large amount of labeled data and usually do not generalize well to new, unseen classes when only a few training samples are accessible. To address this problem, we explicitly introduce a new challenging problem -- how to learn a robust deep model with limited training samples per class, called defensive few-shot learning in this paper. Simply employing the existing adversarial training techniques in the literature cannot solve this problem. This is because few-shot learning needs to learn transferable knowledge from disjoint auxiliary data, and thus it is invalid to assume the sample-level distribution consistency between the training and test sets as commonly assumed in existing adversarial training techniques. In this paper, instead of assuming such a distribution consistency, we propose to make this assumption at a task-level in the episodic training paradigm in order to better transfer the defense knowledge. Furthermore, inside each task, we design a task-conditioned distribution constraint to narrow the distribution gap between clean and adversarial examples at a sample-level. These give rise to a novel mechanism called multi-level distribution based adversarial training (MDAT) for learning transferable adversarial defense. In addition, a unified $mathcal{F}_{beta}$ score is introduced to evaluate different defense methods under the same principle. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MDAT achieves higher effectiveness and robustness over existing alternatives in the few-shot case.
