Astronomers working with faint targets will benefit greatly from improved image quality on current and planned ground-based telescopes. At present, most adaptive optic systems are targeted at the highest resolution with bright guide stars. We demonstrate a significantly new approach to measuring low-order wavefront errors by using a pupil-plane curvature wavefront sensor design. By making low order wavefront corrections we can deliver significant improvements in image resolution in the visible on telescopes in the 2.5m to 8.2m range on good astronomical sites. As a minimum the angular resolution will be improved by a factor of 2.5 to 3 under any reasonable conditions and, with further correction and image selection, even sharper images may be obtained routinely. We re-examine many of the assumptions about what may be achieved with faint reference stars to achieve this performance. We show how our new design of curvature wavefront sensor combined with wavefront fitting routines based on radon transforms allow this performance to be achieved routinely. Simulations over a wide range of conditions match the performance already achieved in runs with earli