Interaction-induced lattices for bound states: Designing flat bands, quantized pumps and higher-order topological insulators for doublons

Abstract in English

Bound states of two interacting particles moving on a lattice can exhibit remarkable features that are not captured by the underlying single-particle picture. Inspired by this phenomenon, we introduce a novel framework by which genuine interaction-induced geometric and topological effects can be realized in quantum-engineered systems. Our approach builds on the design of effective lattices for the center-of-mass motion of two-body bound states (emph{doublons}), which can be created through long-range interactions. This general scenario is illustrated on several examples, where flat-band localization, topological pumps and higher-order topological corner modes emerge from genuine interaction effects. Our results pave the way for the exploration of interaction-induced topological effects in a variety of platforms, ranging from ultracold gases to interacting photonic devices.
