Tracing the Formation of Molecular Clouds in a Low-Metallicity Galaxy: A HI Narrow Self-Absorption Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Abstract in English

Cold atomic hydrogen clouds are the precursors of molecular clouds. Due to self-absorption, the opacity of cold atomic hydrogen may be high, and this gas may constitute an important mass component of the interstellar medium (ISM). Atomic hydrogen gas can be cooled to temperatures much lower than found in the cold neutral medium (CNM) through collisions with molecular hydrogen. In this paper, we search for HI Narrow Self-Absorption (HINSA) features in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) as an indicator of such cold HI clouds, and use the results to quantify atomic masses and atomic-to-molecular gas ratio. Our search for HINSA features was conducted towards molecular clouds in the LMC using the ATCA+Parkes HI survey and the MAGMA CO survey. HINSA features are prevalent in the surveyed sightlines. This is the first detection of HINSA in an external galaxy. The HINSA-HI/$rm{H}_{2}$ ratio in the LMC varies from 0.5e{-3} to 3.4e{-3} (68% interval), with a mean value of $(1.31 pm 0.03)$e{-3}, after correcting for the effect of foreground HI gas. This is similar to the Milky Way value and indicates that similar fractions of cold gas exist in the LMC and the Milky Way, despite their differing metallicities, dust content and radiation fields. The low ratio also confirms that, as with the Milky Way, the formation timescale of molecular clouds is short. The ratio shows no radial gradient, unlike the case for stellar metallicity. No correlation is found between our results and those from previous HI absorption studies of the LMC.
