New achievements in optical turbulence forecast systems in operational mode

Abstract in English

In this contribution, we present the most recent progresses we obtained in the context of a long-term program we undertook since a few years towards the implementation of operational forecast systems (a) on top-class ground-based telescopes assisted by AO systems to support the flexible scheduling of observational scientific programs in night as well in day time and (b) on ground-stations to support free space optical communication. Two topics have been treated and presented in the Conference AO4ELT6: 1. ALTA is an operational forecast system for the OT and all the critical atmospheric parameters affecting the astronomical ground-based observations conceived for the LBT. It operates since 2016 and it is in continuous evolution to match with necessities/requirements of instruments assisted by AO of the LBT (SOUL, SHARK-NIR, SHARK-VIS, LINC-NIRVANA,...). In this contribution, we present a new implemented version of ALTA that, thanks to an auto-regression method making use of numerical forecasts and real-time OT measurements taken in situ, can obtain model performances (for forecasts of atmospherical and astroclimatic parameters) never achieved before on time scales of the order of a few hours. 2. We will go through the main differences between optical turbulence forecast performed with mesoscale and general circulation models (GCM) by clarifying some fundamental concepts and by correcting some erroneous information circulating recently in the literature.
