Reviving $Z$ and Higgs Mediated Dark Matter Models in Matter Dominated Freeze-out

Abstract in English

It is quite conceivable that dark matter freeze-out occurred during an early period of matter domination, in which case the evolution and relic abundance differ from standard freeze-out calculations which assume a radiation dominated universe. Here we re-examine the classic models in which dark matter interactions with the Standard Model are mediated via either the Higgs or $Z$ boson in the context of matter dominated freeze-out. We highlight that while these classic models are largely excluded by searches in the radiation dominated case, matter dominated freeze-out can relax these limits and thus revive the Higgs and $Z$ portals. Additionally, we discuss the distinctions between matter dominated freeze-out and decoupling during the transition from matter domination to radiation domination, and we comment on the parameter regimes which lead to non-negligible dark matter production during this transition.
