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HIPPI-2: A Versatile High Precision Polarimeter

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 Added by Jeremy Bailey
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We describe the High-Precision Polarimetric Instrument-2 (HIPPI-2) a highly versatile stellar polarimeter developed at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Two copies of HIPPI-2 have been built and used on the 60-cm telescope at Western Sydney Universitys (WSU) Penrith Observatory, the 8.1-m Gemini North Telescope at Mauna Kea and extensively on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). The precision of polarimetry, measured from repeat observations of bright stars in the SDSS g band, is better than 3.5 ppm (parts per million) on the 3.9-m AAT and better than 11 ppm on the 60-cm WSU telescope. The precision is better at redder wavelengths and poorer in the blue. On the Gemini North 8-m telescope the performance is limited by a very large and strongly wavelength dependent telescope polarization that reached 1000s of ppm at blue wavelengths and is much larger than we have seen on any other telescope.

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96 - M. Hauger 1999
We have built a polarimeter in order to measure the electron beam polarization in hall C at JLAB. Using a superconducting solenoid to drive the pure-iron target foil into saturation, and a symmetrical setup to detect the Moller electrons in coincidence, we achieve an accuracy of <1%. This sets a new standard for Moller polarimeters.
Context. Remote sensing of weak and small-scale solar magnetic fields is of utmost relevance for a number of important open questions in solar physics. This requires the acquisition of spectropolarimetric data with high spatial resolution (0.1 arcsec) and low noise (1e-3 to 1e-5 of the continuum intensity). The main limitations to obtain these measurements from the ground, are the degradation of the image resolution produced by atmospheric seeing and the seeing-induced crosstalk (SIC). Aims. We introduce the prototype of the Fast Solar Polarimeter (FSP), a new ground-based, high-cadence polarimeter that tackles the above-mentioned limitations by producing data that are optimally suited for the application of post-facto image restoration, and by operating at a modulation frequency of 100 Hz to reduce SIC. Results. The pnCCD camera reaches 400 fps while keeping a high duty cycle (98.6 %) and very low noise (4.94 erms). The modulator is optimized to have high (> 80%) total polarimetric efficiency in the visible spectral range. This allows FSP to acquire 100 photon-noise-limited, full-Stokes measurements per second. We found that the seeing induced signals present in narrow-band, non-modulated, quiet-sun measurements are (a) lower than the noise (7e-5) after integrating 7.66 min, (b) lower than the noise (2.3e-4) after integrating 1.16 min and (c) slightly above the noise (4e-3) after restoring case (b) by means of a multi-object multi-frame blind deconvolution. In addition, we demonstrate that by using only narrow-band images (with low SNR of 13.9) of an active region, we can obtain one complete set of high-quality restored measurements about every 2 s.
63 - E. Merlin , S. Pilo , A. Fontana 2018
We present A-PHOT, a new publicly available code for performing aperture photometry on astronomical images, that is particularly well suited for multi-band extragalactic surveys. A-PHOT estimates the fluxes emitted by astronomical objects within a chosen set of circular or elliptical apertures. Unlike other widely used codes, it runs on predefined lists of positions, allowing for repeated measurements on the same list of objects on different images. This can be very useful when forced photometric measurement on a given position is needed. A-PHOT can also estimate morphological parameters and a local background flux, and compute on-the-fly individual optimized elliptical apertures, in which the signal-to-noise ratio is maximized. We check the performance of A-PHOT on both synthetic and real test datasets: we explore a simulated case of a space-based high-resolution imaging dataset, investigating the input parameter space to optimize the accuracy of the performance, and we exploit the CANDELS GOODS-South data to compare the A-PHOT measurements with those from the survey legacy catalogs, finding good agreement overall. A-PHOT proves to a useful and versatile tool for quickly extracting robust and accurate photometric measurements and basic morphological information of galaxies and stars, with the advantage of allowing for various measurements of fluxes at any chosen position without the need of a full detection run, and for determining the basic morphological features of the sources.
75 - JF Donati , D Kouach , M Lacombe 2018
SPIRou is a near-infrared (nIR) spectropolarimeter / velocimeter for the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), that will focus on two forefront science topics, (i) the quest for habitable Earth-like planets around nearby M stars, and (ii) the study of low-mass star/planet formation in the presence of magnetic fields. SPIRou will also efficiently tackle many key programmes beyond these two main goals, from weather patterns on brown dwarfs to Solar-System planet and exoplanet atmospheres. SPIRou will cover a wide spectral domain in a single exposure (0.98-2.44um at a resolving power of 70K, yielding unpolarized and polarized spectra of low-mass stars with a 15% average throughput at a radial velocity (RV) precision of 1 m/s. It consists of a Cassegrain unit mounted at the Cassegrain focus of CFHT and featuring an achromatic polarimeter, coupled to a cryogenic spectrograph cooled down at 80K through a fluoride fiber link. SPIRou is currently integrated at IRAP/OMP and will be mounted at CFHT in 2017 Q4 for a first light scheduled in late 2017. Science operation is predicted to begin in 2018 S2, allowing many fruitful synergies with major ground and space instruments such as the JWST, TESS, ALMA and later-on PLATO and the ELT.
241 - I. Carleo , N. Sanna , R. Gratton 2016
Radial velocities (RV) measured from near-infrared (NIR) spectra are a potentially excellent tool to search for extrasolar planets around cool or active stars. High resolution infrared (IR) spectrographs now available are reaching the high precision of visible instruments, with a constant improvement over time. GIANO is an infrared echelle spectrograph at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) and it is a powerful tool to provide high resolution spectra for accurate RV measurements of exoplanets and for chemical and dynamical studies of stellar or extragalactic objects. No other high spectral resolution IR instrument has GIANOs capability to cover the entire NIR wavelength range (0.95-2.45 micron) in a single exposure. In this paper we describe the ensemble of procedures that we have developed to measure high precision RVs on GIANO spectra acquired during the Science Verification (SV) run, using the telluric lines as wavelength reference. We used the Cross Correlation Function (CCF) method to determine the velocity for both the star and the telluric lines. For this purpose, we constructed two suitable digital masks that include about 2000 stellar lines, and a similar number of telluric lines. The method is applied to various targets with different spectral type, from K2V to M8 stars. We reached different precisions mainly depending on the H -magnitudes: for H ~ 5 we obtain an rms scatter of ~ 10 m s-1, while for H ~ 9 the standard deviation increases to ~ 50 - 80 m s-1. The corresponding theoretical error expectations are ~4 m s-1 and 30 m s-1, respectively. Finally we provide the RVs measured with our procedure for the targets observed during GIANO Science Verification.
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