Collective ground states in small lattices of coupled quantum dots

Abstract in English

Motivated by recent developments on the fabrication and control of semiconductor-based quantum dot qubits, we theoretically study a finite system of tunnel-coupled quantum dots with the electrons interacting through the long-range Coulomb interaction. When the inter-electron separation is large and the quantum dot confinement potential is weak, the system behaves as an effective Wigner crystal with a period determined by the electron average density with considerable electron hopping throughout the system. For stronger periodic confinement potentials, however, the system makes a crossover to a Mott-type strongly correlated ground state where the electrons are completely localized at the individual dots with little inter-dot tunneling. In between these two phases, the system is essentially a strongly correlated electron liquid with inter-site electron hopping constrained by strong Coulomb interaction. We characterize this Wigner-Mott-liquid quantum crossover with detailed numerical finite-size diagonalization calculations of the coupled interacting qubit system, showing that these phases can be smoothly connected by tuning the system parameters. Experimental feasibility of observing such a hopping-tuned Wigner-Mott-liquid crossover in currently available semiconductor quantum dot qubits is discussed. In particular, we connect our theoretical results to recent quantum-dot-based quantum emulation experiments where collective Coulomb blockade was demonstrated. One conclusion of our theory is that currently available realistic quantum dot arrays are unable to explore the low-density Wigner phase with only the Mott-liquid crossover being accessible experimentally.
