A note on inhomogeneous percolation on ladder graphs

Abstract in English

Let $mathbb{G}=left(mathbb{V},mathbb{E}right)$ be the graph obtained by taking the cartesian product of an infinite and connected graph $G=(V,E)$ and the set of integers $mathbb{Z}$. We choose a collection $mathcal{C}$ of finite connected subgraphs of $G$ and consider a model of Bernoulli bond percolation on $mathbb{G}$ which assigns probability $q$ of being open to each edge whose projection onto $G$ lies in some subgraph of $mathcal{C}$ and probability $p$ to every other edge. We show that the critical percolation threshold $p_{c}left(qright)$ is a continuous function in $left(0,1right)$, provided that the graphs in $mathcal{C}$ are well-spaced in $G$ and their vertex sets have uniformly bounded cardinality. This generalizes a recent result due to Szabo and Valesin.
