Energetic optimization effects in single resonant tunneling $GaAs$--nanoconverters

Abstract in English

Several models of thermionic energy nanoconverters have been proposed to study the transport phenomena that take place in electronic devices. For example, in resonant tunneling junctions those phenomena are manifested through the thermoelectric effects. The coupling between the electron flux and the heat flux in this type of semiconductor heterostructures, not only allows to obtain transport coefficients (electrical and thermal conductivities, and a Seebeck--like and Peltier--like coefficients), but also to study its operation as a thermionic generator or as a refrigerator within the context of irreversible thermodynamics. The existence of the characteristic steady states that can be reached by any linear energy converter led us to characterize a family of Seebeck--like coefficients, as well as establish bounds for the values of a kind of figure of merit $(Tz_{D,I})$, both associated with the well-known operating regimes: minimum dissipation function, maximum power output, maximum efficiency and maximum compromise function. By taking as example an $Al_{x}GaAs/GaAs$ junction, we found that the transport coefficients depend strongly on temperature and the conduction band height, which can be modulated according to the selected operation mode.
