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Typical Snapshots Selection for Shortest Path Query in Dynamic Road Networks

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 Added by Mengxuan Zhang
 Publication date 2019
and research's language is English

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Finding the shortest paths in road network is an important query in our life nowadays, and various index structures are constructed to speed up the query answering. However, these indexes can hardly work in real-life scenario because the traffic condition changes dynamically, which makes the pathfinding slower than in the static environment. In order to speed up path query answering in the dynamic road network, we propose a framework to support these indexes. Firstly, we view the dynamic graph as a series of static snapshots. After that, we propose two kinds of methods to select the typical snapshots. The first kind is time-based and it only considers the temporal information. The second category is the graph representation-based, which considers more insights: edge-based that captures the road continuity, and vertex-based that reflects the region traffic fluctuation. Finally, we propose the snapshot matching to find the most similar typical snapshot for the current traffic condition and use its index to answer the query directly. Extensive experiments on real-life road network and traffic conditions validate the effectiveness of our approach.

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Computing the shortest path between two given locations in a road network is an important problem that finds applications in various map services and commercial navigation products. The state-of-the-art solutions for the problem can be divided into two categories: spatial-coherence-based methods and vertex-importance-based approaches. The two categories of techniques, however, have not been compared systematically under the same experimental framework, as they were developed from two independent lines of research that do not refer to each other. This renders it difficult for a practitioner to decide which technique should be adopted for a specific application. Furthermore, the experimental evaluation of the existing techniques, as presented in previous work, falls short in several aspects. Some methods were tested only on small road networks with up to one hundred thousand vertices; some approaches were evaluated using distance queries (instead of shortest path queries), namely, queries that ask only for the length of the shortest path; a state-of-the-art technique was examined based on a faulty implementation that led to incorrect query results. To address the above issues, this paper presents a comprehensive comparison of the most advanced spatial-coherence-based and vertex-importance-based approaches. Using a variety of real road networks with up to twenty million vertices, we evaluated each technique in terms of its preprocessing time, space consumption, and query efficiency (for both shortest path and distance queries). Our experimental results reveal the characteristics of different techniques, based on which we provide guidelines on selecting appropriate methods for various scenarios.
Given a stream of food orders and available delivery vehicles, how should orders be assigned to vehicles so that the delivery time is minimized? Several decisions have to be made: (1) assignment of orders to vehicles, (2) grouping orders into batches to cope with limited vehicle availability, and (3) adapting to dynamic positions of delivery vehicles. We show that the minimization problem is not only NP-hard but inapproximable in polynomial time. To mitigate this computational bottleneck, we develop an algorithm called FoodMatch, which maps the vehicle assignment problem to that of minimum weight perfect matching on a bipartite graph. To further reduce the quadratic construction cost of the bipartite graph, we deploy best-first search to only compute a subgraph that is highly likely to contain the minimum matching. The solution quality is further enhanced by reducing batching to a graph clustering problem and anticipating dynamic positions of vehicles through angular distance. Extensive experiments on food-delivery data from large metropolitan cities establish that FoodMatch is substantially better than baseline strategies on a number of metrics, while being efficient enough to handle real-world workloads.
This paper reviews the overview of the dynamic shortest path routing problem and the various neural networks to solve it. Different shortest path optimization problems can be solved by using various neural networks algorithms. The routing in packet switched multi-hop networks can be described as a classical combinatorial optimization problem i.e. a shortest path routing problem in graphs. The survey shows that the neural networks are the best candidates for the optimization of dynamic shortest path routing problems due to their fastness in computation comparing to other softcomputing and metaheuristics algorithms
The study of node selection query languages for (finite) trees has been a major topic in the recent research on query languages for Web documents. On one hand, there has been an extensive study of XPath and its various extensions. On the other hand, query languages based on classical logics, such as first-order logic (FO) or Monadic Second-Order Logic (MSO), have been considered. Results in this area typically relate an XPath-based language to a classical logic. What has yet to emerge is an XPath-related language that is as expressive as MSO, and at the same time enjoys the computational properties of XPath, which are linear time query evaluation and exponential time query-containment test. In this paper we propose muXPath, which is the alternation-free fragment of XPath extended with fixpoint operators. Using two-way alternating automata, we show that this language does combine desired expressiveness and computational properties, placing it as an attractive candidate for the definite node-selection query language for trees.
Given two locations $s$ and $t$ in a road network, a distance query returns the minimum network distance from $s$ to $t$, while a shortest path query computes the actual route that achieves the minimum distance. These two types of queries find important applications in practice, and a plethora of solutions have been proposed in past few decades. The existing solutions, however, are optimized for either practical or asymptotic performance, but not both. In particular, the techniques with enhanced practical efficiency are mostly heuristic-based, and they offer unattractive worst-case guarantees in terms of space and time. On the other hand, the methods that are worst-case efficient often entail prohibitive preprocessing or space overheads, which render them inapplicable for the large road networks (with millions of nodes) commonly used in modern map applications. This paper presents {em Arterial Hierarchy (AH)}, an index structure that narrows the gap between theory and practice in answering shortest path and distance queries on road networks. On the theoretical side, we show that, under a realistic assumption, AH answers any distance query in $tilde{O}(log r)$ time, where $r = d_{max}/d_{min}$, and $d_{max}$ (resp. $d_{min}$) is the largest (resp. smallest) $L_infty$ distance between any two nodes in the road network. In addition, any shortest path query can be answered in $tilde{O}(k + log r)$ time, where $k$ is the number of nodes on the shortest path. On the practical side, we experimentally evaluate AH on a large set of real road networks with up to twenty million nodes, and we demonstrate that (i) AH outperforms the state of the art in terms of query time, and (ii) its space and pre-computation overheads are moderate.
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