Snake graphs and their characteristic polynomials

Abstract in English

The aim of the article is to understand the combinatorics of snake graphs by means of linear algebra. In particular, we apply Kasteleyns and Temperley--Fishers ideas about spectral properties of weighted adjacency matrices of planar bipartite graphs to snake graphs. First we focus on snake graphs whose set of turning vertices is monochromatic. We provide recursive sequences to compute the characteristic polynomials; they are indexed by the upper or the lower boundary of the graph and are determined by a neighbour count. As an application, we compute the characteristic polynomials for L-shaped snake graphs and staircases in terms of Fibonacci product polynomials. Next, we introduce a method to compute the characteristic polynomials as convergents of continued fractions. Finally, we show how to transform a snake graph with turning vertices of two colours into a graph with the same number of perfect matchings to which we can apply the results above.
