Predictive Coding Networks Meet Action Recognition

Abstract in English

Action recognition is a key problem in computer vision that labels videos with a set of predefined actions. Capturing both, semantic content and motion, along the video frames is key to achieve high accuracy performance on this task. Most of the state-of-the-art methods rely on RGB frames for extracting the semantics and pre-computed optical flow fields as a motion cue. Then, both are combined using deep neural networks. Yet, it has been argued that such models are not able to leverage the motion information extracted from the optical flow, but instead the optical flow allows for better recognition of people and objects in the video. This urges the need to explore different cues or models that can extract motion in a more informative fashion. To tackle this issue, we propose to explore the predictive coding network, so called PredNet, a recurrent neural network that propagates predictive coding errors across layers and time steps. We analyze whether PredNet can better capture motions in videos by estimating over time the representations extracted from pre-trained networks for action recognition. In this way, the model only relies on the video frames, and does not need pre-processed optical flows as input. We report the effectiveness of our proposed model on UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets.
