Asymptotically flat vacuum solution in modified theory of Einsteins gravity

Abstract in English

A number of recent observations have suggested that the Einsteins theory of general relativity may not be the ultimate theory of gravity. The f(R) gravity model with R being the scalar curvature turns out to be one of the best bet to surpass the general relativity which explains a number of phenomena where Einsteins theory of gravity fails. In the f(R) gravity, behaviour of the spacetime is modified as compared to that of given by the Einsteins theory of general relativity. This theory has already been explored for understanding various compact objects such as neutron stars, white dwarfs etc. and also describing evolution of the universe. Although, researchers have already found the vacuum spacetime solutions for the f(R) gravity, yet there is a caveat that the metric does have some diverging terms and hence these solutions are not asymptotically flat. We show that it is possible to have asymptotically flat spherically symmetric vacuum solution for the f(R) gravity, which is different from the Schwarzschild solution. We use this solution for explaining various bound orbits around the black hole and eventually, as an immediate application, in the spherical accretion flow around it.
