We analyze a few illustrative examples of scenarios in which relativistic symmetries are deformed by Planck-scale effects in particle-type-dependent manner. The novel mathematical structures required by such scenarios are the mixing coproducts, which govern the (deformed) law of conservation of energy and momentum when particles with different relativistic properties interact. We also comment on the relevance of these findings for recent proposals concerning the possibility that neutrinos might have relativistic properties which are different from those of photons and/or the possibility that composite particles might have relativistic properties which are different from those of fundamental ones.
We discuss a new formalism for constructing a non-relativistic (NR) theory in curved background. Named as galilean gauge theory, it is based on gauging the global galilean symmetry. It provides a systematic algorithm for obtaining the covariant curved space time generalisation of any NR theory defined in flat space time. The resulting background is just the Newton- Cartan manifold. The example of NR free particle is explicitly demonstrated.
We systematically derive an action for a nonrelativistic spinning partile in flat background and discuss its canonical formulation in both Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approaches. This action is taken as the starting point for deriving the corresponding action in a curved background. It is achieved by following our recently developed technique of localising the flat space galilean symmetry cite{BMM1, BMM3, BMM2}. The coupling of the spinning particle to a Newton-Cartan background is obtained naturally. The equation of motion is found to differ from the geodesic equation, in agreement with earlier findings. Results for both the flat space limit and the spinless theory (in curved background) are reproduced. Specifically, the geodesic equation is also obtained in the latter case.
We consider the non-relativistic limit of gravity in four dimensions in the first order formalism. First, we revisit the case of the Einstein-Hilbert action and formally discuss some geometrical configurations in vacuum and in the presence of matter at leading order. Second, we consider the more general Mardones-Zanelli action and its non-relativistic limit. The field equations and some interesting geometries, in vacuum and in the presence of matter, are formally obtained. Remarkably, in contrast to the Einstein-Hilbert limit, the set of field equations is fully determined because the boost connection appears in the action and field equations. It is found that the cosmological constant must disappear in the non-relativistic Mardones-Zanelli action at leading order. The conditions for Newtonian absolute time be acceptable are also discussed. It turns out that Newtonian absolute time can be safely implemented with reasonable conditions.
A detailed canonical treatment of a new action for a nonrelativistic particle coupled to background gravity, recently given by us, is performed both in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations. The equation of motion is shown to satisfy the geodesic equation in the Newton-Cartan background, thereby clearing certain confusions. The Hamiltonian analysis is done in the gauge independent as well as gauge fixed approaches, following Diracs analysis of constraints. The physical (canonical) variables are identified and the path to canonical quantisation is outlined by explicitly deriving the Schroedinger equation.
Production of scalar particles by a relativistic, semi-transparent mirror in 1+3D Minkowski spacetime based on the Barton-Calogeracos (BC) action is investigated. The corresponding Bogoliubov coefficients are derived for a mirror with arbitrary trajectory. In particular, we apply our derived formula to the gravitational collapse trajectory. In addition, we identify the relation between the particle spectrum and the particle production probability, and we demonstrate the equivalence between our approach and the existing approach in the literature, which is restricted to 1+1D. In short, our treatment extends the study to 1+3D spacetime. Lastly, we offer a third approach for finding the particle spectrum using the S-matrix formalism.