Lifetimes and Oscillator Strengths for Ultraviolet Transitions in Neutral Chlorine

Abstract in English

We present lifetime measurements using beam-foil techniques for radiative transitions from the 3$p^4$($^1S$)4$s$ $^2S_{1/2}$, 3$p^4$($^3P$)5$s$ $^2P_{1/2,3/2}$, and 3$p^4$($^3P$)3$d$ $^2F_{5/2}$ levels in Cl I and the corresponding results of the oscillator strengths for transitions at 1004.68, 1079.88, 1090.73, and 1094.77 AA, respectively. We compare our experimental results with available theoretical calculations and astronomical observations in an effort to resolve discrepancies among them.
