Testing bound dark energy with cosmological parameter and fundamental constant evolution

Abstract in English

A new bound dark energy, BDE, cosmology has been proposed where the dark energy is the binding energy between light meson fields that condense a few tens of years after the big bang. It is reported that the correct dark energy density emerges using particle physics without fine tuning. This alone makes the BDE cosmology worthy of further investigation. This work looks at the late time BDE predictions of the evolution of cosmological parameters and the values of fundamental constants to determine whether the cosmologys predictions are consistent with observation. The work considers the time period between a scale factor of 0.1 and 1.0. A model BDE cosmology is considered with current day values of the cosmological parameters well within the observational limits. The calculations use three different values of the current day dark energy equation of state close to minus one. All three cases produce evolutions of the cosmological parameters and fundamental constants consistent with the observational constraints. Analytic relations between the BDE and cosmological parameters are developed to insure a consistent set of parameters.
