Formation of Neel Type Skyrmions in an Antidot Lattice with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy

Abstract in English

Magnetic skyrmions are particle-like chiral spin textures found in a magnetic film with out-of-planeanisotropy and are considered to be potential candidates as information carriers in next generationdata storage devices. Despite intense research into the nature of skyrmions and their dynamic prop-erties, there are several key challenges that still need to be addressed. In particular, the outstandingissues are the reproducible generation, stabilization and confinement of skyrmions at room tempera-ture. Here, we present a method for the capture of nanometer sized magnetic skyrmions in an arrayof magnetic topological defects in the form of an antidot lattice. With micromagnetic simulations,we elucidate the skyrmion formation in the antidot lattice and show that the capture is dependenton the antidot lattice parameters. This behavior is confirmed with scanning transmission x-ray mi-croscopy measurements. This demonstration that a magnetic antidot lattice can be implemented asa host to capture skyrmions provides a new platform for experimental investigations of skyrmionsand skyrmion based devices.
