Chip-compatible quantum plasmonic launcher

Abstract in English

Integrated on-demand single-photon sources are critical for the implementation of photonic quantum information processing systems. To enable practical quantum photonic devices, the emission rates of solid-state quantum emitters need to be substantially enhanced and the emitted signal must be directly coupled to an on-chip circuitry. The photon emission rate speed-up is best achieved via coupling to plasmonic antennas, while on-chip integration can be easily obtained by directly coupling emitters to photonic waveguides. The realization of practical devices requires that both the emission speed-up and efficient out-couping are achieved in a single architecture. Here, we propose a novel platform that effectively combines on-chip compatibility with high radiative emission rates, a quantum plasmonic launcher. The proposed launchers contain single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in nanodiamonds as quantum emitters that offer record-high average fluorescence lifetime shortening factors of about 7000 times. Nanodiamonds with single NV are sandwiched between two silver films that couple more than half of the emission into in-plane propagating surface plasmon polaritons. This simple, compact, and scalable architecture represents a crucial step towards the practical realization of high-speed on-chip quantum networks.
