Few-Shot Abstract Visual Reasoning With Spectral Features

Abstract in English

We present an image preprocessing technique capable of improving the performance of few-shot classifiers on abstract visual reasoning tasks. Many visual reasoning tasks with abstract features are easy for humans to learn with few examples but very difficult for computer vision approaches with the same number of samples, despite the ability for deep learning models to learn abstract features. Same-different (SD) problems represent a type of visual reasoning task requiring knowledge of pattern repetition within individual images, and modern computer vision approaches have largely faltered on these classification problems, even when provided with vast amounts of training data. We propose a simple method for solving these problems based on the insight that removing peaks from the amplitude spectrum of an image is capable of emphasizing the unique parts of the image. When combined with several classifiers, our method performs well on the SD SVRT tasks with few-shot learning, improving upon the best comparable results on all tasks, with average absolute accuracy increases nearly 40% for some classifiers. In particular, we find that combining Relational Networks with this image preprocessing approach improves their performance from chance-level to over 90% accuracy on several SD tasks.
