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Strong cosmic censorship in de Sitter space: As strong as ever

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 Added by Zhen Zhong
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The strong cosmic censorship has recently been put into question for the charged black holes in de Sitter space. We have performed the full non-linear evolution of the massless charged scalar field minimally coupled to the Einstein-Maxwell system in de Sitter space, and found that the non-linear effect can restore the strong cosmic censorship, making it as strong as ever.

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Recent work indicates that the strong cosmic censorship hypothesis is violated by nearly extremal Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter black holes. It was argued that perturbations of such a black hole decay sufficiently rapidly that the perturbed spacetime can be extended across the Cauchy horizon as a weak solution of the equations of motion. In this paper we consider the case of Kerr-de Sitter black holes. We find that, for any non-extremal value of the black hole parameters, there are quasinormal modes which decay sufficiently slowly to ensure that strong cosmic censorship is respected. Our analysis covers both scalar field and linearized gravitational perturbations.
Glauber-Sudarshan states, sometimes simply referred to as Glauber states, or alternatively as coherent and squeezed-coherent states, are interesting states in the configuration spaces of any quantum field theories, that closely resemble classical trajectories in space-time. In this paper, we identify four-dimensional de Sitter space as a coherent state over a supersymmetric Minkowski vacuum. Although such an identification is not new, what is new however is the claim that this is realizable in full string theory, but only in conjunction with temporally varying degrees of freedom and quantum corrections resulting from them. Furthermore, fluctuations over the de Sitter space is governed by a generalized graviton (and flux)-added coherent state, also known as the Agarwal-Tara state. The realization of de Sitter space as a state, and not as a vacuum, resolves many issues associated with its entropy, zero-point energy and trans-Planckian censorship, amongst other things.
We provide further evidence to support the fact that a four-dimensional effective field theory description with de Sitter isometries in IIB string theory, overcoming the no-go and the swampland criteria, can only exist if de Sitter space is realized as a Glauber-Sudarshan state. We show here that this result is independent of the choice of de Sitter slicings. The Glauber-Sudarshan state, constructed by shifting the interacting vacuum in the M-theory uplift of the scenario, differs from a standard coherent state in QFT in the sense that the shape and size of the state changes with respect to time, implying changes in the graviton and the flux quanta. Despite this, the expectation values of the graviton and flux operators in such a state reproduce the exact de Sitter background, as long as we are within the temporal bound set by the onset of the strong coupling in the dual type IIA side, and satisfy the corresponding Schwinger-Dysons equations in the presence of hierarchically controlled perturbative and non-perturbative quantum corrections. Additionally, we provide a detailed study of the fluxes supporting the Glauber-Sudarshan state in the M-theory uplift of the IIB scenario. We show explicitly how the Bianchi identities, anomaly cancellation and flux quantization conditions, along-with the constraints from the Schwinger-Dysons equations, conspire together to provide the necessary temporal dependences to support such a state in full M-theory. We also discuss how our analysis points towards a surprising connection to the four-dimensional null energy condition, for a Friedman-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker state in the IIB side, as a consistency condition for the existence of an effective field theory description in M-theory.
153 - Benjamin Shlaer 2009
We demonstrate that possession of a single negative mode is not a sufficient criterion for an instanton to mediate exponential decay. For example, de Sitter space is generically stable against decay via the Coleman-De Luccia instanton. This is due to the fact that the de Sitter Euclidean action is bounded below, allowing for an approximately de Sitter invariant false vacuum to be constructed.
77 - Yoshihisa Kitazawa 2020
We investigate infrared logarithms in inflationary Universe from holographic perspective. We derive gravitational Fokker-Planck and Langevin equations from the consistency condition in quantum gravity. As for primordial perturbations , our approach predicts the identical spectrum with delta N formalism, supporting the consistency of our approach. The existence of the ultraviolet fixed point indicates that the Universe begun with the de Sitter expansion at the Planck scale. We have constructed the UV complete composite inflation model with the logarithmic scaling violation. The epsilon parameter decreases at first but then grows to terminate the inflation. The epsilon problem is naturally solved and Big Bang Universe is realized in the composite Universe.
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