Localization from Hilbert space shattering: from theory to physical realizations

Abstract in English

We show how a finite number of conservation laws can globally `shatter Hilbert space into exponentially many dynamically disconnected subsectors, leading to an unexpected dynamics with features reminiscent of both many body localization and quantum scars. A crisp example of this phenomenon is provided by a `fractonic model of quantum dynamics constrained to conserve both charge and dipole moment. We show how the Hilbert space of the fractonic model dynamically fractures into disconnected emergent subsectors within a particular charge and dipole symmetry sector. This shattering can occur in arbitrary spatial dimensions. A large number of the emergent subsectors, exponentially many in system volume, have dimension one and exhibit strictly localized quantum dynamics---even in the absence of spatial disorder and in the presence of temporal noise. Other emergent subsectors display non-trivial dynamics and may be constructed by embedding finite sized non-trivial blocks into the localized subspace. While `fractonic models provide a particularly clean realization, the shattering phenomenon is more general, as we discuss. We also discuss how the key phenomena may be readily observed in near term ultracold atom experiments. In experimental realizations, the conservation laws are approximate rather than exact, so the localization only survives up to a prethermal timescale that we estimate. We comment on the implications of these results for recent predictions of Bloch/Stark many-body localization.
