Geometric and algebraic presentations of Weinstein domains

Abstract in English

We prove that geometric intersections between Weinstein handles induce algebraic relations in the wrapped Fukaya category, which we use to study the Grothendieck group. We produce a surjective map from middle-dimensional singular cohomology to the Grothendieck group, show that the geometric acceleration map to symplectic cohomology factors through the categorical Dennis trace map, and introduce a Viterbo functor for $C^0$-close Weinstein hypersurfaces, which gives an obstruction for Legendrians to be $C^0$-close. We show that symplectic flexibility is a geometric manifestation of Thomasons correspondence between split-generating subcategories and subgroups of the Grothendieck group, which we use to upgrade Abouzaids split-generation criterion to a generation criterion for Weinstein domains. Thomasons theorem produces exotic presentations for certain categories and we give geometric analogs: exotic Weinstein presentations for standard cotangent bundles and Legendrians whose Chekanov-Eliashberg algebras are not quasi-isomorphic but are derived Morita equivalent.
