Demonstration of ThGEM-Multiwire Hybrid Charge Readout for Directional Dark Matter Searches

Abstract in English

Sensitivities of current directional dark matter search detectors using gas time projection chambers are now constrained by target mass. A ton-scale gas TPC detector will require large charge readout areas. We present a first demonstration of a novel ThGEM-Multiwire hybrid charge readout technology which combines the robust nature and high gas gain of Thick Gaseous Electron Multipliers with lower capacitive noise of a one-plane multiwire charge readout in SF$_6$ target gas. Measurements performed with this hybrid detector show an ion drift velocity of $139~pm~12~text{ms}^{-1}$ in a reduced drift field $text{E/N}$ of $93~text{Td}~(10^{-17}~text{V cm}^{2})$ at a gas gain of $2470pm160$ in 20 Torr of pure SF$_text{6}$ target gas.
