ESS$ u$SB is a proposed neutrino super-beam project at the ESS facility. We study the performance of this setup in the presence of a light eV-scale sterile neutrino, considering 540 km baseline with 2 years (8 years) of $ u$ ($bar u$) run-plan. This baseline offers the possibility to work around the second oscillation maximum, providing high sensitivity towards CP-violation (CPV). We explore in detail its capability in resolving CPV generated by the standard CP phase $delta_{13}$, the new CP phase $delta_{14}$, and the octant of $theta_{23}$. We find that the sensitivity to CPV induced by $delta_{13}$ deteriorates noticeably when going from $3 u$ to 4$ u$ case. The two phases $delta_{13}$ and $delta_{14}$ can be reconstructed with a 1$sigma$ uncertainty of $sim15^0$ and $ sim35^0$ respectively. Concerning the octant of $theta_{23}$, we find poor sensitivity in both $3 u$ and $4 u$ schemes. Our results show that a setup like ESS$ u$SB working around the second oscillation maximum with a baseline of 540 km, performs quite well to explore CPV in 3$ u$ scheme, but it is not optimal for studying CP properties in 3+1 scheme.