Observation of the Magneto-Optic Voigt Effect in a Paramagnetic Diamond Membrane

Abstract in English

The magneto-optic Voigt effect is observed in a synthetic diamond membrane with a substitutional nitrogen defect concentration in the order of 200 ppm and a nitrogen-vacancy defect sub-ensemble generated through neutron irradiation and annealing. The measured polarisation rotation in the reflected light is observed to be quadratically proportional to the applied magnetic field and to the incident reflection angle. Additionally, it is observed to be modifiable by illuminating the diamond with a 532 nm laser. Spectral analysis of the reflected light under 532 nm illumination shows a slow narrowing of the spectral distribution, indicating a small increase in the overall magnetisation, as opposed to magnetisation degradation caused by heating. Further analysis of the optical power dependence suggest this may be related to a shift in the spin ensembles charge state equilibrium and, by extension, the resulting ensemble magnetisation.
