Device-independent verification of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering

Abstract in English

If entanglement could be verified without any trust in the devices of observers, i.e., in a device-independent (DI) way, then unconditional security can be guaranteed for various quantum information tasks. In this work, we propose an experimental-friendly DI protocol to certify the presence of entanglement, based on Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering. We first establish the DI verification framework, relying on the measurement-device-independent technique and self-testing, and show it is able to verify all EPR-steerable states. In the context of three-measurement settings as per party, it is found to be noise robustness towards inefficient measurements and imperfect self-testing. Finally, a four-photon experiment is implemented to device-independently verify EPR-steering even for Bell local states. Our work paves the way for realistic implementations of secure quantum information tasks.
