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Readdressing the UV solar variability with SATIRE-S: non-LTE effects

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 Added by Rinat Tagirov
 Publication date 2019
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Context. Solar spectral irradiance (SSI) variability is one of the key inputs to models of the Earths climate. Understanding solar irradiance fluctuations also helps to place the Sun among other stars in terms of their brightness variability patterns and to set detectability limits for terrestrial exo-planets. Aims. One of the most successful and widely used models of solar irradiance variability is SATIRE-S. It uses spectra of the magnetic features and surrounding quiet Sun computed with the ATLAS9 spectral synthesis code under the assumption of Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). SATIRE-S has been at the forefront of solar variability modelling, but due to the limitations of the LTE approximation its output SSI has to be empirically corrected below 300 nm, which reduces the physical consistency of its results. This shortcoming is addressed in the present paper. Methods. We replace the ATLAS9 spectra of all atmospheric components in SATIRE-S with the spectra calculated using the non-LTE Spectral Synthesis Code (NESSY). We also use Fontenla et al. (1999) temperature and density stratification models of the solar atmosphere to compute the spectrum of the quiet Sun and faculae. Results. We compute non-LTE contrasts of spots and faculae and combine them with the SDO/HMI filling factors of the active regions to calculate the total and spectral solar irradiance variability during solar cycle 24. Conclusions. The non-LTE contrasts result in total and spectral solar irradiance in good agreement with the empirically corrected output of the LTE version. This suggests that empirical correction introduced into SATIRE-S output is well judged and that the corrected total and spectral solar irradiance obtained from the SATIRE-S model in LTE is fully consistent with the results of non-LTE computations.

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Nitrogen is an important element in various fields of stellar and Galactic astronomy, and the solar nitrogen abundance is crucial as a yardstick for comparing different objects in the cosmos. In order to obtain a precise and accurate value for this abundance, we carried out N i line formation calculations in a 3D radiative-hydrodynamic STAGGER model solar atmosphere, in full 3D non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE), using a model atom that includes physically-motivated descriptions for the inelastic collisions of N i with free electrons and with neutral hydrogen. We selected five N i lines of high excitation energy to study in detail, based on their strengths and on their being relatively free of blends. We found that these lines are slightly strengthened from non-LTE photon losses and from 3D granulation effects, resulting in negative abundance corrections of around $-0.01$ dex and $-0.04$ dex respectively. Our advocated solar nitrogen abundance is $logepsilon_{mathrm{N}} = 7.77$, with the systematic $1sigma$ uncertainty estimated to be $0.05$ dex. This result is consistent with earlier studies after correcting for differences in line selections and equivalent widths.
196 - N. Labrosse 2010
This review paper outlines background information and covers recent advances made via the analysis of spectra and images of prominence plasma and the increased sophistication of non-LTE (ie when there is a departure from Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium) radiative transfer models. We first describe the spectral inversion techniques that have been used to infer the plasma parameters important for the general properties of the prominence plasma in both its cool core and the hotter prominence-corona transition region. We also review studies devoted to the observation of bulk motions of the prominence plasma and to the determination of prominence mass. However, a simple inversion of spectroscopic data usually fails when the lines become optically thick at certain wavelengths. Therefore, complex non-LTE models become necessary. We thus present the basics of non-LTE radiative transfer theory and the associated multi-level radiative transfer problems. The main results of one- and two-dimensional models of the prominences and their fine-structures are presented. We then discuss the energy balance in various prominence models. Finally, we outline the outstanding observational and theoretical questions, and the directions for future progress in our understanding of solar prominences.
M dwarfs are key targets for high-resolution spectroscopic analyses due to a high incidence of these stars in the solar neighbourhood and their importance as exoplanetary hosts. Several methodological challenges make such analyses difficult, leading to significant discrepancies in the published results. We compare M dwarf parameters derived by recent high-resolution near-infrared studies with each other and with fundamental stellar parameters. We also assess to what extent deviations from local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) for Fe and K influence the outcome of these studies. We carry out line formation calculations based on a modern model atmosphere grid along with a synthetic spectrum synthesis code that treats formation of atomic and molecular lines in cool-star atmospheres including departures from LTE. We use near-infrared spectra collected with the CRIRES instrument at the ESO VLT as reference observational data. We find that the effective temperatures obtained by the different studies mostly agree to better than 100 K. We see a much worse agreement in the surface gravities and metallicities. We demonstrate that non-LTE effects are negligible for Fe I in M-dwarf atmospheres but are important for K I. These effects, leading to K abundance and metallicity corrections on the order of 0.2 dex, may be responsible for some of the discrepancies in the published analyses. Differences in the temperature-pressure structures of the atmospheric models may be another factor contributing to the discrepancies, in particular at low metallicities and high effective temperatures. In high-resolution spectroscopic studies of M dwarfs attention should be given to details of the line formation physics as well as input atomic and molecular data. Collecting high-quality, wide wavelength coverage spectra of benchmark M dwarfs is an essential future step.
Resonance spectral lines such as H I Ly {alpha}, Mg II h&k, and Ca II H&K that form in the solar chromosphere are influenced by the effects of 3D radiative transfer as well as partial redistribution (PRD). So far no one has modeled these lines including both effects simultaneously owing to the high computing demands of existing algorithms. Such modeling is however indispensable for accurate diagnostics of the chromosphere. We present a computationally tractable method to treat PRD scattering in 3D model atmospheres using a 3D non-LTE radiative transfer code. To make the method memory-friendly, we use the hybrid approximation of Leenaarts et al. (2012) for the redistribution integral. To make it fast, we use linear interpolation on equidistant frequency grids. We verify our algorithm against computations with the RH code and analyze it for stability, convergence, and usefulness of acceleration using model atoms of Mg II with the h&k lines and H I with the Ly {alpha} line treated in PRD. A typical 3D PRD solution can be obtained in a model atmosphere with $252 times 252 times 496$ coordinate points in 50 000--200 000 CPU hours, which is a factor ten slower than computations assuming complete redistribution. We illustrate the importance of the joint action of PRD and 3D effects for the Mg II h&k lines for disk-center intensities as well as the center-to-limb variation. The proposed method allows simulating PRD lines in time series of radiation-MHD models in order to interpret observations of chromospheric lines at high spatial resolution.
The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) routinely observes the Si IV resonance lines. When analyzing observations of these lines it has typically been assumed they form under optically thin conditions. This is likely valid for the quiescent Sun, but this assumption has also been applied to the more extreme flaring scenario. We used 36 electron beam driven radiation hydrodynamic solar flare simulations, computed using the RADYN code, to probe the validity of this assumption. Using these simulated atmospheres we solved the radiation transfer equations to obtain the non-LTE, non-equilibrium populations, line profiles, and opacities for a model Silicon atom, including charge exchange processes. This was achieved using the `minority species version of RADYN. The inclusion of charge exchange resulted in a substantial fraction of Si IV at cooler temperatures than those predicted by ionisation equilibrium. All simulations with an injected energy flux $F>5times10^{10}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ resulted in optical depth effects on the Si IV emission, with differences in both intensity and line shape compared to the optically thin calculation. Weaker flares (down to $Fapprox5times10^{9}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$) also resulted in Si IV emission forming under optically thick conditions, depending on the other beam parameters. When opacity was significant, the atmospheres generally had column masses in excess of $5times10^{-6}$ g cm$^{-2}$ over the temperature range $40$ to $100$ kK, and the Si IV formation temperatures were between $30$ and $60$ kK. We urge caution when analyzing Si IV flare observations, or when computing synthetic emission without performing a full radiation transfer calculation.
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