Distributed Dual Gradient Tracking for Resource Allocation in Unbalanced Networks

Abstract in English

This paper proposes a distributed dual gradient tracking algorithm (DDGT) to solve resource allocation problems over an unbalanced network, where each node in the network holds a private cost function and computes the optimal resource by interacting only with its neighboring nodes. Our key idea is the novel use of the distributed push-pull gradient algorithm (PPG) to solve the dual problem of the resource allocation problem. To study the convergence of the DDGT, we first establish the sublinear convergence rate of PPG for non-convex objective functions, which advances the existing results on PPG as they require the strong-convexity of objective functions. Then we show that the DDGT converges linearly for strongly convex and Lipschitz smooth cost functions, and sublinearly without the Lipschitz smoothness. Finally, experimental results suggest that DDGT outperforms existing algorithms.
