A mTCA-based low level RF system prototype for MYRRHA 100 MeV project

Abstract in English

The first phase of the MYRRHA (Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications) project, MINERVA, was launched in September 2018. Through collaboration with the SCK-CEN, IN2P3 laboratories take in charge the developments of several parts of the accelerator, including a fully equipped Spoke cryomodule prototype and a cold valves box. This cryomodule will integrate two superconducting single spoke cavities operating at 2K, the RF power couplers and the cold tuning systems associated. For control and regulation purpose, a mTCA LLRF system prototype is being implemented and will be presented here alongside with the hardware, VHDL and EPICS developments that aim to fulfil MYRRHAs ambitious requirements.
