Efficient Cosmological Analysis of the SDSS/BOSS data from the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure

Abstract in English

The precision of the cosmological data allows us to accurately approximate the predictions for cosmological observables by Taylor expanding up to a low order the dependence on the cosmological parameters around a reference cosmology. By applying this observation to the redshift-space one-loop galaxy power spectrum of the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure, we analyze the BOSS DR12 data by scanning over all the parameters of $Lambda$CDM cosmology with massive neutrinos. We impose several sets of priors, the widest of which is just a Big Bang Nucleosynthesis prior on the current fractional energy density of baryons, $Omega_b h^2$, and a bound on the sum of neutrino masses to be less than 0.9 eV. In this case we measure the primordial amplitude of the power spectrum, $A_s$, the abundance of matter, $Omega_m$, the Hubble parameter, $H_0$, and the tilt of the primordial power spectrum, $n_s$, to about $19%$, $5.7%$, $2.2%$ and $7.3%$ respectively, obtaining $ln ( 10^{10} A_s) =2.91pm 0.19$, $Omega_m=0.314pm 0.018$, $H_0=68.7pm 1.5$ km/(s Mpc) and $n_s=0.979pm 0.071$ at $68%$ confidence level. A public code is released with this preprint.
