The SkyMapper DR1.1 Search for Extremely Metal-Poor Stars

Abstract in English

We present and discuss the results of a search for extremely metal-poor stars based on photometry from data release DR1.1 of the SkyMapper imaging survey of the southern sky. In particular, we outline our photometric selection procedures and describe the low-resolution ($R$ $approx$ 3000) spectroscopic follow-up observations that are used to provide estimates of effective temperature, surface gravity and metallicity ([Fe/H]) for the candidates. The selection process is very efficient: of the 2618 candidates with low-resolution spectra that have photometric metallicity estimates less than or equal to -2.0, 41% have [Fe/H] $leq$ -2.75 and only $sim$7% have [Fe/H] $>$ -2.0 dex. The most metal-poor candidate in the sample has [Fe/H] $<$ -4.75 and is notably carbon-rich. Except at the lowest metallicities ([Fe/H] $<$ -4), the stars observed spectroscopically are dominated by a `carbon-normal population with [C/Fe]$_{1D,LTE}$ $leq$ +1 dex. Consideration of the A(C)$_{1D, LTE}$ versus [Fe/H]$_{1D, LTE}$ diagram suggests that the current selection process is strongly biased against stars with A(C)$_{1D, LTE}$ $>$ 7.3 (predominantly CEMP-$s$) while any bias against stars with A(C)$_{1D, LTE}$ $<$ 7.3 and [C/Fe]$_{LTE}$ $>$ +1 (predominantly CEMP-no) is not readily quantifiable given the uncertainty in the SkyMapper $v$-band DR1.1 photometry. We find that the metallicity distribution function of the observed sample has a power-law slope of $Delta$(Log N)/$Delta$[Fe/H] = 1.5 $pm$ 0.1 dex per dex for -4.0 $leq$ [Fe/H] $leq$ -2.75, but appears to drop abruptly at [Fe/H] $approx$ -4.2, in line with previous studies.
