This paper proposes the Deep Generalized Policy Iteration (DGPI) algorithm to find the infinite horizon optimal control policy for general nonlinear continuous-time systems with known dynamics. Unlike existing adaptive dynamic programming algorithms for continuous time systems, DGPI does not require the admissibility of initialized policy, and input-affine nature of controlled systems for convergence. Our algorithm employs the actor-critic architecture to approximate both policy and value functions with the purpose of iteratively solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. Both the policy and value functions are approximated by deep neural networks. Given any arbitrary initial policy, the proposed DGPI algorithm can eventually converge to an admissible, and subsequently an optimal policy for an arbitrary nonlinear system. We also relax the update termination conditions of both the policy evaluation and improvement processes, which leads to a faster convergence speed than conventional Policy Iteration (PI) methods, for the same architecture of function approximators. We further prove the convergence and optimality of the algorithm with thorough Lyapunov analysis, and demonstrate its generality and efficacy using two detailed numerical examples.